Wednesday 9 November 2011

Reflection On Presentation Of Identity

A things that I like about my project is the simplicity of it all. Not many words were used but they still had a strong effect when coupled with some images. This made the project both easy to complete and left us freedom to do whatever we wanted.

Something that I learned is how the influence of other characters affects the main character in the stories. It is fascinating how authors can make it look as if he isn't the one molding the main character but it's actually the doings of other characters in the story.

The part that I am most proud of is how I managed to pair every quote with a good image. They took a while and I feel very happy to have completed this entertaining task 

Sunday 6 November 2011

Who I'd Like to Be Tn Macbeth

The character that I'd like to see the play throgh would be Macbeth because I am very curious to see what is going on through his head as he gains and loses power to the throne of Scotland. I hope to be able to understand the self-conflict in this man caused by his values and Lady Macbath. I see a very round and complex character in  Macbeth and I want to witness the play through the eyes of someone with so much greed, fear and determination.