Monday 3 October 2011

A song that I chose to connect to identity is Perfect by Pink. In her song, Pink describes the meaning of perfect: the way that you define it. The song shows the problems that happen when a person listens to what others say about her identity instead of her own opinion. Often, we take the words of other people to be true and we end up not dissatisfied with who we are and try to become a different person even though we do not agree with it. I think this is a serious identity issue that is striking the youth of today. Thanks to the media’s projection of the “perfect person”, the younger and are sacrificing their identities for something that is often not themselves. Pink want others to know that a person’s identity is something that one should believe in and control.

1 comment:

  1. a good choice of song. A solid explanation as well. How true is it tha twe value the opinions of others when all we need to do is believe in ourselves. Think back to Richard Corey, if he jsut listened to Pink he might not of shot himself dead.
